VMGears QC

Quality Control

VMGears QC could be easily integrated in any line or test bench, and can work stand-alone or interfaced with a supervisor for data exchange (codes, machine parameters, analysis results).

VMGears QC is a complete system, composed by a dedicated software, an electronic unit control, sensors and wires.The software manages a SQL database easily accessible and exportable.

VMGears QC carries out a quality check of  the product as well as of the assembly process, running a targeted analysis of the vibrations measured on machine housing surface  in the end-of-line or during the product commissioning test. It has a user-friendly interface of which provides a prompt visualization of the results.

VMGears QC is a Quality Control system installed on the assembly line or integrated into the End-Of-Line test rig.

VMGears QC software has a dedicated analysis module and a dedicated set of algorithms for each type of rotating machine.

VMGears QC elaborates dedicated indexes for each rotating component inside the machine and each type of defect: these indexes are compared with the respective acceptability thresholds (generally defined by statistical method) to determine if the tested product is OK or NOT OK.

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