Looking for errors with TRGears!
Premise: the Transmission Error The Transmission Error (Transmission Error, TE in short) of a gearbox originates from the difference between the effective instantaneous angular position
Premise: the Transmission Error The Transmission Error (Transmission Error, TE in short) of a gearbox originates from the difference between the effective instantaneous angular position
PEI VM Srl is an engineering company located in Bologna that, through the consulting activity and the development of specific tools.
PEI VM will be present in Hall 30, dedicated to power drive, automation and robotics, sectors that are certainly more relevant to the core business
Following the success and great satisfaction achieved in November 2021, the companies of PEI Srl world will attend MECSPE again this year. La prima edizione
The new site in Zola Predosa becomes part of the PEI Srl world and hosts the young and dynamic PEI VM Srl team, azienda del
Via Flli Rosselli, 11
40069 Zola Predosa (Bologna) – Italy
C.F. e P.IVA 02886271200
Mail: info@peivm.it
Tel: +39 051/4113442
PEI Vibration Monitoring